Numicon Essentials

Numicon Essentials

This is a fabulous resource to use with ANY Maths programme covering all the teaching in clear steps via Powerpoint slides to years 1 - 8. The programme was written to provide all teachers with hands-on teaching activities to re-engage their learners especially those using worksheets or text book programmes. Reinvigorate how you use manipulatives in your classroom with Numicon Essentials. Accessed through a whole school subscription, Numicon Essentials offers over 100+ targeted mastery lessons designed to enhance your structured/mastery programme of learning. Email us for a sample.

Slide Structure


  1. Talk Task – high-quality oracy and vocabulary teaching at the start of the lesson


  1. Switch On – introduces the learning focus in a practical way


  1. Teach: I do (Explicit teaching)


-              Videos are provided to demonstrate to teachers how the manipulatives and vocabulary are combined when modelling.  These videos make useful recaps for children if they need support.


  1. Teach: We do (scaffolded)

-              These (I do/We do) follow that Talk Task and Switch on in order to promote curiosity and ensure engagement and collaboration from the outset


  1. Hinge - usually features a misconception or a check for understanding before the ‘You do’ phase


  1. Teach: You do


  1. Exit - check on learning, helping the teacher identify children ready to move on or who need additional support


  1. Reflection – supports children to self-assess (meta-cognitive)


  1. Extend and Explore – additional opportunities to consolidate and extend learning.  Tend to contain open-ended tasks and can be printed off
NZ$ 645.00 excluding GST
NZ$ 741.75 including GST
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Numicon 1 - Place Value - 1 more!

Numicon 2 - Fractions

Numicon 3 - Equivalent fractions

Numicon 4 - Adding fractions

Numicon 5 - Multiplication of integers and fractions

Numicon 6 - Forming algebraic expressions and creating a rule/function