Numicon 3 (Y4)

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Numicon 3 is equivalent to NZ Currlculum later Level 2, NP Later Stage 5

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  • Apparatus Pack B Class set
    Use with Numicon 3 & 4
    Starter Apparatus Pack B contains:

    Numicon Ten Shapes (pack of 10) x 3
    Box of 80 Numicon Shapes x 2
    80 Coloured Pegs x 1
    Feely Bag x 2
    Spinner (set of 2) x 2
    10s Number...
    NZ$ 767.00 EA
    NZ$ 882.05 incl GST
  • Apparatus Pack B One to one set
    Use with Numicon 3 & 4

    Apparatus Pack B contains:

    Numicon Ten Shapes (pack of 10) x 1
    Box of 80 Numicon Shapes x 1
    80 Coloured Pegs x 1
    Feely Bag x 1
    Spinner (set of 2) x 1
    10s Number Line...
    NZ$ 395.00 EA
    NZ$ 454.25 incl GST
  • Counters (pack of 200)
    For use in Years 1 and 2 with the 0-31 Number line and in Years 3 and 4 along with the double-sided baseboard laminates
    NZ$ 15.00 pack of 200
    NZ$ 17.25 incl GST
  • Five Shapes (set of 10)
    Ten Numicon 5-shapes, useful for activities or to replace lost shapes. Can be used alongside the Boxes of Numicon Shapes 1-10.
    NZ$ 12.00 Set of 10
    NZ$ 13.80 incl GST
  • GMS 3 Teaching Pack (Y4 - UK Edition)
    Pack contents:

    Numicon: Geometry, Measurement and Statistics 3 Teaching Pack contains:
    The Numicon Geometry, Measurement and Statistics 3 Teaching Pack comprises a Teaching Resource Handbook and a...
    NZ$ 282.00 EA
    NZ$ 324.30 incl GST
  • Investigations with Numicon Binder
    10 challenging open-ended mathematical investigations with a low threshold and high ceiling. Aimed at NZC
    Level 2 and extendable to Level 3, for students aged 8 to 11.
    These investigations are orde...
    NZ$ 74.00 EA
    NZ$ 85.10 incl GST
  • Magnetic Fraction Squares
    Learn fractions with colorful magnetics that help students visualize them as a whole. Double-sided, color-coded squares have fractions on one side and percentages on the other to help students underst...
    NZ$ 49.10
    NZ$ 56.47 incl GST
    Contact us for availability
  • Mastery Senior Table Pack
    This kit contains the key manipulatives to support maths teaching - whatever your existing programme.

    This wide range of apparatus enables children to explore and represent maths ideas in different...
    NZ$ 260.00 Each
    NZ$ 299.00 incl GST
  • NPC 3 Explore More Copymasters
    Numicon builds a deep understanding of maths through a multi-sensory approach, developing children's fluency, reasoning and problem-solving.

    The Numicon Number, Pattern and Calculating 3 Explore Mo...
    NZ$ 175.00
    NZ$ 201.25 incl GST
  • NPC 3 Explorer Progress - single copy A, B, C
    The Explorer Progress Books provide the concrete evidence of understanding and achievement following the activities in the Numicon NPC 3 and offers an opportunity for teachers to assess individual chi...
    NZ$ 15.00 Set of 3
    NZ$ 17.25 incl GST
    Price for 10+: $8.00
    Price for 30+: $7.50
  • NPC 3 Introduction Pack
    This provides schools with a cost effective way to introduce Numicon. Both the Teaching Guides and Basic Equipment are included in this pack to get you started.
    The Numicon Number, Pattern and Cal...
    NZ$ 510.00 Combined Pack
    NZ$ 586.50 incl GST
  • NPC 3 Teaching Pack (Y4 - UK Edition)
    The Numicon Number, Pattern and Calculating 3 Teaching Pack comprises a Teaching Resource Handbook and an Implementation Guide for teachers of children aged 7-8. The pack provides step-by-step activit...
    NZ$ 306.00
    NZ$ 351.90 incl GST
  • Place Value Base Ten Starter Set
    This set of base ten components conveniently interlocks to clarify place value, estimation, and operations concepts by enabling students to manipulate and visualise varying quantities with ease. More ...
    NZ$ 73.20 Each
    NZ$ 84.18 incl GST
    Contact us for availability
  • Student Book 3
    Numicon Student Books provide independent practice with in-depth, open questioning to challenge students, deepen conceptual understanding and develop mastery. Numicon Student Books are fully linked to...
    NZ$ 28.00 Single Copy
    NZ$ 32.20 incl GST
    Price for 15+: $15.00
    New New Zealand edition available Term 2 2025