Professional Development for your school
The team at Edushop offer a range of options for teacher only days and in-school PD for early childhood, primary, intermediate and junior high school teachers and leaders.
We work with school leaders to identify staff PLD needs and design a combination of workshops, discussions, classroom modelling, observations, collaborative planning and review sessions based on your school’s requirements and your community.
We are passionate about raising the achievement of all children:
- local curriculum design
- assessment for learning
We can also support you these areas:
- Formative Assessment
- Knowing the NZ Curriculum in Mathematics
- Mixed ability group
- Inclusion of children with diverse and special needs
- Achievement of all students in Mathematics
- CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) & Mastery - the Singapore Maths approach
- Responsive classroom teaching
- Strengthening 'beginning' teachers
- School review of Numeracy, resourcing and planning
- Dyslexia and other challenges in achieving in literacy
- Building excitement for those who are excelling in Mathematics and want more challenge as well as depth.
- Implementing the Numicon Approach into your school/team, early childhood centre/kindergarten
- Making the Numicon Approach your main mathematics programme or to run alongside another
Contact us for more information
First day of PLD covers:
- What is Numicon?
- A Mastery Approach to the Teaching of Maths
- Pedagogy (CPA)
- How does Numicon correlate to the NZ Maths Curriculum
( A brief outline to reassure teachers of how well they are aligned as well as the extra lessons written to complete the alignment)
- Getting to know the Numicon Programme
- Teacher Handbooks ( Books Firm Foundations, 1 - 6) All strands
- Scope and Sequence
- How can I identify and know the key mathematical idea for each unit /lesson?
- Explore the educational context - for the week and each lesson
- Experience - Step by step the Explicit Teaching within a Numicon Lesson
- Teacher Observations - Notice, Recognise, Respond
- Teaching Resources and Getting Started
- Classroom resources/ equipment
- Exploring the manipulatives
- Explorer Progress Books (assessment books)
- Explore More (extra activities/games that can be sent home to add to the students' learning experiences)
- Student Books (Investigations and word problems that follow the teaching and practice to accompany Numicon 3 - 6)
- How to use the online Oxford Owl platform for Firm Foundations and Numicon Online
- How to use the digital resource (IWB) that is included in the online subscription. It's user friendly for computers and student devices too.
Comprehensive handouts accompany the day that can be referred to as you teach.
The following school visit 2-3 weeks later involves:
- Meeting the school leaders to answer questions
- Meeting the teachers to discuss questions
- Demonstrating lessons (I do)
- Going deeper with the pedagogy - team or staff meetings
- Providing support for planning - team or staff meetings
Third visit:
- Teaching alongside teachers (We do)
- Staff meeting - Understanding maths concepts well and the progressions of learning through the Curriculum and assessment
Fourth visit:
- Observing teachers
- Staff meeting - Understanding maths concepts well and the progressions of learning through the Curriculum - Number, Operations and interpreting data and using it to inform teaching
Fifth visit:
- Observing teachers
- Staff meeting
- Understanding maths concepts well and the progressions of learning through the Curriculum - Measurement, Geometry
Sixth visit:
- Meeting school leaders - progress and next steps, interpretation of data
- Meeting teachers to discuss their learning and teaching
- Staff meeting - Understanding maths concepts well and the progressions of learning through the Curriculum - Statistics and Probability
Further PLD
We recognise that your school may need further PD in the year as well as the beginning of the following year to induct new staff.
- Book us for further visits or online meetings
- We always run online courses at the beginning of each year and term to help new teachers get started to support you in your induction process
- We can design a course for you
Feedback from our schools
- Pleasing improvement in testing, confidence in how I am delivering the Numicon program, gave all staff the confidence and skills to work with the program in our classes
- Feel more confident to use Numicon and follow the maths curriculum
- Improved practice, especially after observations done by Trish in which she gave great feedback that was very positive but still constructive. Students have enjoyed the hands on maths and having Trish teach a few sessions was fun for them.
- Trish has helped me understand and implement Numicon in my classroom. The students and myself both love the programme and it's left me excited to teach Maths!
- Trish has helped me with understanding the best ways and attributes of the Numicon programme and has contributed to me feeling more confident and capable to teach using the programme.
- It provided teachers with an alternative to current teaching practices, providing a practical application to engage with students.
- Across the Kahui Ako impact was to reflect on and change some formats, new learning, old reminders, great PLD - Great feedback across KA.
- The students were engaged, eager to learn new strategies and aroused their curiosity. I learned to develop ways on how to make the topic best understood by my students.
- 9% increase in end of year data. Teaching staff all very confident using the various modules and intervention programs.
- Yes - Positive impact!
- We have invested in Numicon.
- It has been massive for us. Particularly in the senior end where students have had to start randomly and also for teachers that were teaching across multiple books.
- We have been astounded at the speed at which our teachers and in turn our students have been able to take this new practice on board. The engagement from our students with the tangible learning tools has been a huge benefit to supporting our learners with their knowledge.
- It will be interesting at the end of the year when we do PAT testing again whether Numicon has made a difference to our data although we understand that this is only one form of assessment. Trish has been excellent at conveying what a Numicon lesson should look like and the kids have been really engaged. It has also been good to have a consistent programme used across the school that builds on each year. I am looking forward to the coming years to see how it progresses across the school.
- The impact has been significant as I have changed my programme.
- Now I teach as a whole group and then split off like Trish modelled. Kids love this and want more of it rather than traditional rotations
- Greater understanding of how Numicon is administered and its positive impact on children’s learning.
- Jo recently facilitated a PLD session with the Maths department. Her expertise in primary-level mathematics provided a fresh perspective, and she supported our planning by contributing to practical tasks, such as setting up starters in PowerPoint, which was very helpful. The PLD sessions offered a valuable opportunity for our department to collaborate, plan for 2025, and refine workbooks. Although the focus was primarily on senior-level content, Jo’s presence created a supportive environment that allowed the team to work effectively. Her interactions during the sessions were appreciated, and her willingness to engage with the team and contribute was well received.
- I have really enjoyed learning about and implementing the Numicon programme. It has provided a very clear pathway for programming and progress for my students. The materials have provided the opportunity for every concept covered to be represented in a concrete way which has been very beneficial, especially for those tauira with less confidence.
- We are two years in working with Jo. Our schoolwide maths data has improved significantly, and our confidence in teaching Numicon has increased.
- helping to ease the transition of using Numicon
- We are now better equipped to implement the Numicon approach in our Kura
- - easy to communicate with, willing to listen to our questions, modelling use of equipment effectively
- Hands on visit, sharing PowerPoint resources, individual feedback on observations
- Good communication both in person and on email, good interactions with both students and teachers, good development of PD starting with watching Trish and moving to her watching us etc.
- Knowledge! Trish catered our PD to our needs which meant we got as much out of it as possible. She always helps to answer questions to the best of her ability. I have really enjoyed learning from her.
- Trish was always prepared, open to questions and always provided constructive feedback. She was also great at reassuring me that what I was doing was correct and made me feel valued.
- Different ways of thinking about numbers/relationships and introducing a new set of resources that allow teachers to engage with students in a way not previously considered.
- Through the suggestions, encouragement and acknowledgement of the facilitator, I became more confident to teach my students.
- Trish has a friendly, approachable, helpful manner and she is an expert on the topics she is leading. We really enjoyed working with her and learning from her! Would recommend 100%.
- - Clear communication. Has build relationships with staff.
- Jo's approach was excellent, she was knowledgeable - practical application in the classroom examples were exceptional and she was able to answer my questions with expert responses.
- Giving teachers better understanding. More whole class teaching. Breaking down of milestones. Just being able to do things more effectively.
- Trish was incredibly organised, extremely approachable and flexible to needs. We have been very fortunate to have her as our facilitator as she has been committed to each of our teachers' individual needs and communicated thoroughly and with depth at each of her visits and in preparation for up and coming visits. Trish's knowledge of Numicon was a huge credit, and any time we threw her a curve ball she was able to source the answers. We would always welcome Trish back to Pembroke, we feel she became one of our colleagues and was such a huge part of our transition.
- - excellent modelling of lessons, discussions of the progression of each of the different activities - answering questions that each staff member has to cater to what they need - structure of a maths lesson explained
What are the mains ways the facilitator has contributed to this impact?
- Suggestions and input with new approaches for my students.
- Modelled through teaching, taking me step by step through the computer side of things. Some just assume you know how to do some basics on the computer/internet
- Positive, open communication. Wonderful support and suggestions to ensure all children’s needs are met.
- Thorough knowledge of the programme, provision of school-wide supports, running workshops with teachers and teacher assistants.
- Staff Meetings/PLD, Helping with Assessment, Modelling Lessons for classroom teachers
- - Being friendly and approachable which created a safe space to be observed, receive feedback and ask questions - Knowledge of the program and resources - Being organised
- Understanding how to use the implementation guide. Helping me with my teaching practice.