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There are 1:1 options for:
Parents, if you are wondering what to buy to support your school children at home:
Breaking Barriers click here
First Steps with Numicon at Home click here
When the student has completed BB, then move onto Numicon 3 employing the small steps approach you have learned in BB.
Numicon 1 - begins with a review of Firm Foundations for those children who began Numicon at that level or are new to your school at this level:
Buy all strands in both Number Pattern Calculating (NPC) and Geometry Measurement and Statistics books (GMS)
Numicon 2 - begins with a review of Numicon 1 (NZC Level 1 NP Stages 0-4) for all children. Numicon 2 covers NZC Early Level 2
Buy all strands in both Number Pattern Calculating (NPC) and Geometry Measurement and Statistics books (GMS)
Numicon 3 - which begins with a review of Numicon 2 (Early NZC 2 NP Stage 5) for all children. Numicon 3 covers NZC Late Level 2
Buy all strands in both Number Pattern Calculating (NPC) and Geometry Measurement and Statistics books (GMS)
Numicon 4 - which begins with a review of Numicon 3 (Late NZC 2 NP Stage 5) for all children. Numicon 4 covers NZC Early Level 3
Buy all strands in both Number Pattern Calculating (NPC) and Geometry Measurement and Statistics books (GMS)
Numicon 5 - Begins with a review of Numicon 4. Numicon 5 covers NZC Late Level 3
Buy all strands in both Number Pattern Calculating (NPC) and Geometry Measurement and Statistics books (GMS)
Numicon 6 - Numicon 6 covers NZC Early Level 4. Most schools find they when they are starting Numicon at this level, a lower book is needed to bring students up to this level.
Buy all strands in both Number Pattern Calculating (NPC) and Geometry Measurement and Statistics books (GMS)
Begin with Numicon 5 Getting Started and any further activities you discover you need to use to bring them to Numicon 6 level. You may only need access to this book for the first few weeks.
Eventually this book will no longer be needed for Year 8. Instead they will be using a programme more geared to Year 9 Maths. Discuss this with your local high school. We have some recommendations too.
Numicon 6 (similar to Stage 8)
Buy all strands in both Number Pattern Calculating (NPC) and Geometry Measurement and Statistics books (GMS)
Big Ideas has been written just for you. Look under the category Acceleration/Intervention, or for a classroom teaching programme:
Numicon 4 or 5, or 6 (Numicon 4 is similar to NF Stage 6, Numicon 5 is similar to NF Stage 7, Numicon 6 is similar to Stage 8) - Numicon 4 and 5 begin with a 'Getting Started' for all students. This shows students how Numicon will support their learning.
Buy all strands in both Number Pattern Calculating (NPC) and Geometry Measurement and Statistics books (GMS)
Formative Assessment links are provided with every Teaching Resource level in:
1. Assessment Opportunities listed every week in the Activity groups
2. Explorer Progress Books (Numicon 1-6) related activities provided for every week
3. Milestones that sum up the previous 5-6 weeks of learning
4. Milestones tracking spreadsheets which match the National Standards )- See under the RESOURCES link in the main menu.
5. Summative Assessments -Numicon 2 and 6 Practice tests, easily adapted for Numicon 1-6. Refer to Numicon 2 and 6