Learning Through Play

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  • Attribute Blocks - Desk Set In Tray
    Attribute Blocks - Desk Set In Tray

    Teach sorting, classification, and size comparison with these durable plastic blocks. Includes a tracing template, a storage tray with a shape sorter lid, and 5 ...
    NZ$ 27.30 Each
    NZ$ 31.40 incl GST
    Contact us for availability
  • Awesome Games and Activities for Kids with Numeracy Difficulties
    Has maths ever made you feel anxious, confused or like you just don't get it?

    This is an entertaining collection of mathematical games and curiosities for you to astound your family and friends wit...
    NZ$ 39.00
    NZ$ 44.85 incl GST
  • Baseboard (1)
    The square Baseboard has 100 raised studs to hold Numicon shapes and pegs
    NZ$ 25.00 EA
    NZ$ 28.75 incl GST
  • Box of shapes 1-10 - single set
    Each child can have a set of shapes to lay out in front of them to participate in class teaching. Especially useful when using the interactive whiteboard software it makes the session fun and interact...
    NZ$ 20.00 EA
    NZ$ 23.00 incl GST
  • City Engineering & Design Building Set
    Encourage an early love of STEM learning with this one-of-a-kind City Building Set. Your little engineers can create their own skyscrapers, cranes, bridges and more with 89 easy-to-assemble pieces. Us...
    NZ$ 41.00 Each
    NZ$ 47.15 incl GST
  • Counters (pack of 200)
    For use in Years 1 and 2 with the 0-31 Number line and in Years 3 and 4 along with the double-sided baseboard laminates
    NZ$ 15.00 pack of 200
    NZ$ 17.25 incl GST
  • Cuisenaire Number Rods- Group
    Centimetre scale coloured Cuisenaire Rods 1–10cm in length, supplied in a plastic storage box. 304 rods.
    NZ$ 144.00 EA
    NZ$ 165.60 incl GST
  • Cuisenaire Number Rods- One-to-one
    Centimetre scale coloured Cuisenaire Rods 1–10cm in length, supplied in a plastic storage box. 126 rods.
    NZ$ 69.00 EA
    NZ$ 79.35 incl GST
  • Cuisenaire Number Rod Track
    The number rod track does not include Cuisenaire Rods. They appear as an illustration of how they are used.
    NZ$ 28.00 EA
    NZ$ 32.20 incl GST
  • Cuisenaire Number Rod Trays 1-10 and 20
    These trays are designed to take all centimetre rods and are exclusive to Numicon. For pattern work, making numbers, seeing number combinations and patterns beyond 10 to 20.
    NZ$ 39.00 EA
    NZ$ 44.85 incl GST
  • Easy Read Tell the Time Cards - Level 1
    Help your children learn to tell the time with these fun card games. The cards can be used to play various games including snap, matching pairs, buddy-up and bingo. Each game will help in teaching you...
    NZ$ 25.00
    NZ$ 28.75 incl GST
  • Easy Read Tell the Time Cards - Level 2
    Help your children learn to tell the time with these fun card games. The cards can be used to play various games including snap, matching pairs, buddy-up and bingo. Each game will help in teaching you...
    NZ$ 25.00
    NZ$ 28.75 incl GST
  • Easy Read Time Teacher Student Clock - single
    A manual clock to practice 'telling' the time. One side is analogue, the other digital. Digital is also in 12 and 24 hour times. Includes a section at the bottom to write the time in whiteboard marker...
    NZ$ 9.00
    NZ$ 10.35 incl GST
  • Easy Read Time Teacher Student Edition - pack of 10
    A manual clock to practice 'telling' the time. One side is analogue, the other digital. Digital is also in 12 and 24 hour times. Includes a section at the bottom to write the time in whiteboard marker...
    NZ$ 84.00 Box of 10
    NZ$ 96.60 incl GST
  • Feely Bag
    The bag does not contain any shapes, they are shown for effect. The bag is used for games, to encourage memory of the shapes and mental calculation activities.
    NZ$ 20.00 EA
    NZ$ 23.00 incl GST
  • Firm Foundations Apparatus One to one Pack
    Building a secure future in mathematics for every child.
    This starter pack accompanies the Teaching Pack and is suitable for a family, small centre or rural (or similar) school.

    Don't forget to al...
    NZ$ 408.00 EA
    NZ$ 469.20 incl GST
  • Firm Foundations Starter Apparatus Pack
    Building a secure future in mathematics for every child.
    This starter pack accompanies the Teaching Pack and is suitable for an early childhood centre and New Entrant classroom.
    Order 2 for your cl...
    NZ$ 710.00 EA
    NZ$ 816.50 incl GST
    New Stock Due In
  • Firm Foundations Teaching Pack (Y0&1 - UK Edition)
    Numicon is a multi-sensory maths programme that encourages children to see and do maths using structured imagery and apparatus.
    Through active investigation with problem-solving at its heart, Firm Fo...
    NZ$ 275.00 EA
    NZ$ 316.25 incl GST
    Order now for delivery June 2025
  • First Steps with Numicon at Home Bundle
    This kit provides all you need to give your child's early maths learning the right start. It includes full guidance and carefully designed activities and games you will enjoy doing together. Numicon r...
    NZ$ 120.00 EA
    NZ$ 138.00 incl GST
  • Five Shapes (set of 10)
    Ten Numicon 5-shapes, useful for activities or to replace lost shapes. Can be used alongside the Boxes of Numicon Shapes 1-10.
    NZ$ 12.00 Set of 10
    NZ$ 13.80 incl GST

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