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Numicon is based on sound and robust research spanning many decades, It is proven to have a significant and lasting impact on children's learning and future success. This is reflected in outstanding results.
Firm Foundations provides teachers and students with a conversation of maths - relationships between things, events and themselves. Young children are trying to join in with this big conversation. Mathematical conversation is exceedingly rich and varied. It takes a while for young children to join in. Numicon's great feature is the attention paid to the language of relationships
The Firm Foundations Teaching Pack - both print and online versions provides:
Activities have been extensively trialled with teachers and children; and derive from real classroom experience.
An overview of the Firm Foundations and Online version here
A spiral approach throughout the year - Key learning here
A sample pack be downloaded here to be updated soon
More information to download here as a PDF/Powerpoint to be updated soon
The Starter Apparatus Pack is sold separately as class or 1:1 options
Other products that are used alongside Firm Foundations are:
Numicon at the Seaside Large Foam Shapes . Pan Balance Firm Foundations Online
The programme is written for a full year. This is with the likelihood of children attending for a full year in those countries that run a once-a-year enrolment.
For us in NZ, we do recommend that children beginning at these time follow this sequence:
Term 1 new entrants – complete the book
Term 2 new entrants – complete most of the book
Term 3 new entrants – complete some of the book (– but this varies from school to school, because they may not be classed as Year 1’s the following year.) As Year 2’s, Numicon 1 Securing Foundations will be very important the following year.
Term 4 new entrants – continue with Firm Foundations the following year, for the year.
The Firm Foundations Starter Apparatus Pack accompanies the Teaching Pack and is sold separately as a 1:1 or class option. The contents are also sold separately.
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