Apparatus Pack A Class set

Apparatus Pack A Class set
Use with Numicon 1 & 2
Starter Apparatus Pack A contains:

Numicon 10 Shapes (set of 10) x 2
Dice (set of 4) x 1
Box of 80 Numicon Shapes x 2
80 Coloured Pegs x 2
Baseboard x 6
Feely Bag x 3
Post Box (set of 3) x 1
Spinner (set of 2) x 2
10s Number Line x 3
1-100 Card Number Track x 2
0-100 Numeral Cards x 2
0-100cm Number Line (set of 3) x 2
Number Rods - Large Set x 1
Number Rod Trays 1-10 and 20 x 1
1-100cm Number Rod Track x 3
Extra 1 shapes (bag of 20) x 1
0-31 Number Line (set of 3) x 2
Display Number Line x 1
Magnetic Strip x 1

Don't forget to also order a Pan Balance

Numicon builds a deep understanding of maths through a multi-sensory approach, developing children's fluency, reasoning and problem-solving.

Apparatus, such as Numicon Shapes, dice or rods, provide structured images to enrich number understanding. The Numicon Starter Apparatus Pack A contains core apparatus to teach children at ages 5 to 7 using Numicon 1 and 2 levels.
NZ$ 745.00 excluding GST
NZ$ 856.75 including GST
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If you are purchasing this pack to work with students who have learning difficulties, it may be that they will not like using Cuisenaire rods or the apparatus associated. Purchase the items you will use from this list individually instead.