Numicon and the Curriculum

We are very pleased to see the release of the new Maths curriculum recently by the Ministry of Education along with the expectation of teaching structured maths in 2025.  

For the last 15 years we have seen school after school be incredibly successful lifting the achievement level of their students across the full spectrum of gifted through to those who learn differently using the Numicon programme.  

When you apply the principles of structured maths using a Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract and Language approach with manipulatives, you raise the achievement of every child.  

The Numicon programme is consistent with the new curriculum and the intentions of the Ministry to require schools to implement structured maths in 2025. Numicon provides a greater foundation for maths in the first three years of a child's learning.  This learning is not rushed. 

Numicon will make it easy to implement structured maths in your school.  Lesson plans are all done for you, the sequence of teaching is laid out, and you are provided with everything you need to deliver explicit teaching.  

You will enjoy teaching maths again and even more importantly, your students will love maths. 

Numicon and the NZC

How does Numicon meets the requirements of the curriculum?